Friday, February 29, 2008

US$ 190.59 million grant for NEPAL

Country Programme Action Plan signed : US$ 190.59 million grant assistance provided

Kathmandu, February 25— The Government of Nepal signed the Country Programme Action Plan documents today with UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA for a grant assistance of US$ 190.59 million. UNDP (US$ 94.38 million), UNICEF (US $ 68.21) and UNFPA (US$ 28 million) are providing this grant assistance for the next three years in support of the Government Interim Plan (2008-2010).

Under the broad framework of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), the Country Programme Document and Action Plan of all three agencies put emphasis on peace and development for an inclusive society, responding to national priorities that are currently identified in the Government’s three-year Interim Plan.

Mr. Krishna Gyanwali, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Finance expressed his sincere appreciation to the efforts of the UN organisations coming together in the spirit of harmonisation for continued support to the socio-economic development of Nepal. “This is a great initiation towards ‘One UN’ reform agenda”, he said.

Under the Country Programme Action Plan signed today;

UNDP will be implementing its programme towards achieving;
•Increased access to and participation in constitution building and free and fair electoral processes;
•Programmes, strategies, policies and systems that promote post-conflict recovery;
•Increased capacity of government at the national and local level to manage resources and deliver basic services in an inclusive and equitable manner;
•Responsive and accessible justice systems to promote gender equality, social inclusion and the rule of law;
•Enhancement of employment and income opportunities
•Access to financial services, especially for youth and excluded groups
•Mainstream energy and environment issues into national and local development plans and reduce risks of natural hazards

UNICEF will be working towards;
•Decentralised Action for Children and Women
•Social Policy •Child protection (from violence, abuse and exploitation)
•Health and nutrition
•Water, sanitation and hygiene

UNFPA Programmes are based on the principle of realization of human rights including reproductive rights and to have access to information and to basic reproductive health services. The programmes are in the sectors of;
•Reproductive health
•Population and development


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