Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Ramdev's health failing and he must be hospitalised, say docs

Haridwar: With Baba Ramdev's condition further deteriorating on Friday, doctors monitoring him stated that his "weight loss" and "low pulse rate" were causing concern. "Baba (Ramdev) has lost 1.5 kg weight in the last one day. His pulse rate is also falling. If it decreases further, it is a matter of concern," said Yogesh Kumar Sharma, chief medical officer (CMO) of Haridwar, as the yoga guru continued his fast for the seventh day.
Doctors have also observed negative changes in Ramdev's kidney functioning. "His urine examination showed the presence of albumin, which is a bad indication in terms of kidney functioning," he said. The team earlier advised Ramdev to get hospitalised.
"The team has observed his situation. He is suffering from dehydration, and his condition has deteriorated," said Sharma, adding that the yoga guru has lost "5.5 kg since Saturday". Ramdev Thursday took lemonade and honey at the request of doctors. The yoga guru has been on a fast unto death here after being forced to move out of Delhi's Ramlila Ground on Saturday midnight.
from: Star news
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Lesbian traffic woman acquitted of abduction, sexual charges

The Kathmandu District Court (KDC) on Tuesday acquitted a lesbian traffic policewoman Rubina Hussein, who was charged with abduction and sexual abuse of 17-year old Pujan Basnet. KDC Judge Lekhnath Ghimire acquitted Hussein concluding that the charges against her were false, biased and baseless.
"No documents substantiate that Hussein abducted Pujan as claimed by the latter´s family. The bench concludes that Hussein is innocent and she gets clean chit," reads the verdict.
Police had arrested Hussein nearly one-and-a-half years ago. She was also suspended from her job after she was chargesheeted at the court.
Hussein, 27, had claimed that she neither abducted Pujan nor abused Pujan sexually as claimed by the latter´s family.
"She is my live-in girlfriend; we are head over heels in love. They arrested and suspended me in a misuse of power," she had told the court and police officers after her arrest.
Pujan is a niece of Sub-Inspector Indira Basnet, who was Hussein´s boss in the traffic police.
According to Hussein, they met in May 2009 and fell in love at first sight. The woman cop said she had not imagined that her relationship would land her in a trouble.
In May 2009, Sub-Inspector Indira Basnet asked Hussein to accompany her to a temple in Hetauda where she was to sacrifice a he-goat. Basnet had also brought along her niece on the trip and that was how the two met and became friends. When their relationship developed further, the couple rented an apartment at Dhalku, Kathmandu, and started to live together.
But the liaison was cut short when the police arrested Hussein acting on a complaint by Pujan´s family that the 17-year-old had been kidnapped and abused sexually.
Homosexuality in Nepal was legalized in 2007. Hussein had claimed that the sexual relationship between them was consensual.
"There are no evidences that Pujan was kidnapped by Hussein as claimed by Pujan´s family. It is our conclusion that Pujan´s family accused Hussein of kidnapping her simply because Hussein kept Pujan without their consent. It doesn´t substantiate that Pujan was kidnapped by Hussein," reads the verdict.
The court verdict is expected to pave the way for her reinstatement and resume her duty as a traffic policewoman.
"I am very happy to know about the verdict. I was innocent and the court did justice to me. I wouldn´t have won the case, had I not received support from Blue Diamond Society and its Chairman Sunil Babu Panta," Hussein told Republica.
Hussein also termed the verdict a milestone in gender rights movement.
आफुलाइ कस्तो भोक् लाइराछ !

एउटा 'थेगो' ले कुनै कलाकारको करियर नै बन्छ भन्ने कुरा हास्यकलाकार देवीराम पराजुलीले प्रमाणित गरिदिएका छन्। २०५१ सालदेखि नै अभिनय क्षेत्रमा प्रवेश गरेका देवीरामले हास्यश्रृंखला
'जीरे खुर्सानी' मा अभिनय गरेपछि मात्र उनलाई दर्शकले राम्रोसँग चिन्न थालेका हुन्। ' आफूलाई यहाँ कस्तो भोक लागिरहेको छ' भन्दै करिब साढे ६ वर्षदेखि उनी 'जीरे खुर्सानी' मा अभिनय गरिरहेका छन्। श्रृंखलाको नवौं भागदे खि अभिनय गर्न थालेका देवीराम गत सोमबार प्रसारित ३ सय ४५ औं भागसम्म आइपुग्दा पनि उत्तिकै लोकप्रिय छन्। झन्डै १७ वर्षअघि प्रज्ञाभवनमा मञ्चन भएको संस्कृत भाषाको नाटक 'गुरुदक्षिणा' मा देवीरामले पहिलो पटक अभिनय गरेका थिए। त्यसपछि उनले दर्जनौं नाटकमा अभिनय गरे। नाटक मञ्चन गर्न भारतसम्म पुगे। कलाकार मदनदास श्रेष्ठसँग रेडियो नेपालले प्रसारण गर्ने नाटकमा स्वरांकन पनि गरे। रंगमञ्च र रेडियो नाटकमा अभिनय गरेर खारिएका देवीरामले टेलिभिजनमा भने २०५३ सालदेखि मात्र अभिनय गर्न थालेका हुन्। पहिलो नाटक 'गुरुदक्षिणा' नै टेलिफिल्मका रूपमा निर्माण भएपछि उनले त्यसमा अभिनय गर्ने अवसर पाए। त्यसपछि उनले जन्मभूमि, सपना, प्रायश्चित, रागविरामजस्ता टेलिश्रृंखलामा अभिनय गरे। तीमध्ये कुनै पनि श्रृंखलामा उनी हास्यकलाकारका रूपमा प्रस्तुत भएनन्। जितु नेपाल र शिवहरि पौडेलले 'जीरे खुर्सानी' मा गाउँले पात्रको भूमिका निर्वाह गर्न बोलाएपछि देवीराम आजको स्थितिमा आइपुगेका हुन्। जीरे खुसार् नीको व्यवस्थापनसमेत सम्हालिरहेका देवीरामसँग साप्ताहिकको तीन प्रश्नः
तपाईंलाई वास्तविक जीवनमा चाहिं कत्तिको भोक लाग्छ ?
भोक त हरेक प्राणीलाई लाग्छ तर जीरे खुर्सानीको जस्तो भोकचाहिं मलाई अहिलेसम्म लागेको छैन।
दर्शकहरूले 'भोक लाग्यो' भनेर बोलाउँदा तपाईंको प्रतिक्रिया के हुन्छ ?
यही उपनामले मलाई लोकप्रिय बनाएको छ भन्ने कुरा सोचेर खुसी हुन्छु। मसँग कुराकानी गर्न चाहने दर्शकसँग हाँसी-हाँसी कुरा गर्छु।
भविष्यसम्म पनि अभिनय नै गरिरहने कि ?
दर्शक एवं निर्देशकले मन पराउन्जेल अभिनयमै रहन्छु। कलाकार भएपछि भविष्यमा निर्देशक बन्ने लक्ष्य त हरेकको हुन्छ र मेरो पनि छ।
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